10 Items You Need to Make a Relaxing Spa at Home

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10 Items You Need to Make a Relaxing Spa at Home

All week long, you have worked hard for your work and family. It's only natural and benefiting to give yourself a much-needed spa at home! You can do it with a few essentials and it doesn't cost much.

Here is our list of top items you need to make a relaxing spa at home

1. Textiles:

First off, you probably want a towel or two. We stocked up on these innovative ones (links to Hilaire towels) with different patterns. 


2. Keep things organized:

To keep things like towels and robes organized, get a basket that can act as a catch-all in your bathroom. This Fresh Cucumber Melon Two Tone Wood Basket is not only useful, it also has massage comb, reflexology, wood stick, back scrubber and other items. Perfect for your home spa!

3. Body scrub


While a washcloth will do the work for your morning routine, to get yourself really refreshed we recommend to use great body scrubs that will keep your skin soft. This body scrub brush set has all you need. 

 4. Relaxing soundtrack

For a home SPA you need a little mood music. Whether you’re getting mellow with Beach House, or going for a more fun spa experience listening Beyonce, you need a solid sound system so, you can play the same song in every room, in perfect sync! 

Here's a video of 3 hours of relaxing music which is not only good for meditation but for the spa as well.


5. Soothing lighting:

If you don’t have tea lights in your go-to relaxation kit, then go get some of them. They’ll instantly set the mood for the relaxation. If you don't want to use real candles for safety reasons, there are battery operated tea lights as well like this one.

6. Fresh flowers:

Fresh flowers will instantly freshen things up in your space, whether they’re wildflowers from the backyard or a luxurious bouquetFind yourself a minimalist vase to create that SPA aesthetics.  

7.  Lip scrub:

You know you take a good care of yourself your lips are completely soft and ready for a brand new lipstick. Here's no.1 bestseller in lip scrubs, Coco luscious Lip Scrub.  


8.  Bath salts:

Next, salt up water. While it’s easy to buy all sorts of scented bath salts, try to buy the most natural choices that will help you detoxify your body. Here's Sleep Lavender Bath Salts made of a blend of Pacific sea salts and lavender essential oil.

9. Scented candles:

In addition to tea lights for lighting, we recommend choosing scented candles to finish off the cozy vibe.  

10. really big bathtub:

This one might be easier said than done but, if you’re planning on remodeling your bathroom anytime soon, we say the bigger, the better! 

We hope you enjoyed our list of home spa essentials. Have you done this before? How was your experience? Feel free to comment below! 


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